Episode 31:

Alchemy & the Soul with Jane Gilmer

Join us as we explore the magic, mystery and wisdom of psychological alchemy with Jane Gilmer. Jane is a Transformational Guide, theatre artist and author whose work with psyche (or soul), is a deeply alchemical process influenced by the depth psychological work of Dr Carl. G Jung, and the spiritual scientific work of Dr Rudolf Steiner. Her work with alchemical theatre and the creative word has evolved from her training with Mechthild Harkness in NSW Australia in the 1980s. 

Jane has written a book called 'The Alchemical Actor' on how practising alchemical theatre can support self-transformation and developing consciousness, particularly at this time. We connected with Jane to explore her book 'The Alchemical Actor' and alchemy as a psychospiritual path of initiation. We invite you to listen to today’s episode with an open heart and mind as we explore the mystery of soul.

We chat about:

  • What alchemy is and Jung’s exploration of psychospiritual alchemy (3:18)

  • The story of Jane’s journey with alchemy  (7:30)

  • How alchemy can support us to transform individually and collectively and become co creative with life(16:00)

  • The four stages of alchemy and wisdom of Gaia Sophia (21:00)

  • How to work with alchemy on a personal level (25:00)

  • How we’re in a collective nigredo experience (30:00)

  • Imagination as the key to freedom (33:00)

  • The four elements and the four temperaments (38:00)

  • Alchemy as a path of initiation (46:00)

  • The significance of the ouroboros (snake eating its own tail) (52:00)

  • The dark night of the soul (101:00)

And so much more!


Contact Jane


Episode Resources

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment by Rudolf Steiner

The Seers Handbook: A Guide to Higher Perception by Dennis Klocek

The Journey of  Soul Initiation: A Field Guide for Visionaries, Evolutionaries and Revolutionaries by Bill Plotkin

'The Alchemical Actor' by Jane Gilmer

Sitting in the Fire by Arnold Mindell 


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