Episode 001:

Meaning of Worthiness with Stuart Gadenne

Dive into stuart’s mind…

What gives you a sense of self-worth? Is it your job, your achievements, your relationships, your skills and abilities? Or is it something deeper and more intrinsic? 

Today’s podcast guest, Stuart Gadenne, believes worth can be cultivated from within. Stuart has a background in the military and now teaches diplomats and journalists how to survive in war zones, disaster zones and other dangerous places. He is also a facilitator and psychotherapist who knows what it’s like to be stripped of his sense of worthiness AND how to face the emptiness and build a deeper, more unshakable sense of inner worth.

In today’s episode, we chat about… 

  • The meaning of worthiness (1:58)

  • What it's like to be stripped of your worth (3:38)

  • Where our sense of worthiness comes from (5:41)

  • What the myth of Tyr can teach us about worthiness (8:20)

  • The problem with measuring our worth against social norms (11:03)

  • An important measure of worth that’s often overlooked and underappreciated in our culture (13:13)

  • Contribution as a measure of worth (16:31)

  • How our inner critic impacts our sense of worth (20:36)

  • The difference between value and worth (25:03)

  • A worthiness mantra (28:44)

And so much more!

Episode resources


Contact Stuart

Instagram: @stu_gads.

Email: stuart.gadenne@gmail.com

Write a letter (encouraged by Stuart!) PO Box 134 Braidwood NSW

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